Common FAQ’s about Kabrita JuniorWhat is A2 milk? The proteins in milk consist of whey proteins and casein. The casein proteins can be divided...
The difference between cow milk allergy and lactose intoleranceCow milk allergy and cow milk or lactose intolerance are different disorders. The names are sometimes incorrectly used as the...
Potty Training TipsSince every toddler is unique, there is no set age at which toilet training should start. Only until your toddler...
Playful learningTaste In your uterus your baby had sips of the amniotic fluid. This created a clear preference for a sweet...
Picky EatersIs your little one picky? It can be quite challenging at times: vegetables vs. children. Still, try-try-try often turns out...
Pregnancy nutritionEating for two One of the biggest misunderstandings is that eating for two automatically means that you have to eat...
Superfoods to keep you healthy during your pregnancyFive or six small meals in a day you should endeavour to eat five to six small meals every day...
Do Yoga with Your Baby, An Activity That Will Get You and Your Baby Closer.Doing yoga with your baby will allow you to evaluate their development. This discipline provides many benefits for the body...
Breastfeeding CrisesWhat are they? The growth spurts, also called lactation crises, are changes in our babies’ behavior that occur while we...
Attention to the symptoms: Acid RefluxThe Acid Reflux in babies is considered normal, but when this is excessive it may become frustrating for parents and...